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Gerflor saint-paul-trois-chateaux

Very rigorous standards and certifications

As we are committed to going beyond regulatory requirements, we have obtained ambitious certifications and product labels.

Durability of floor coverings, reduction of pollutant emissions, sustainable development: our certifications reward our efforts over the medium and long term. Our products also contribute to obtaining certifications


Certified durable floor coverings

All of our professional glue-down installation PVC products have QB UPEC certification (or QB UPEC A+ for our acoustic products), in accordance with the Wear, Residual Indentation, Water Resistance and Chemicals rating established by the French Scientific and Technical Center for Building (CSTB)

What is so special about this rating? It groups buildings into 11 categories and, for each category, it defines the technical specifications required for floor coverings to ensure sufficient durability of this flooring for each type of room.

What is the minimum standard? 10 years for normal use with appropriate maintenance.


Our sustainable development policy is rewarded

A particularly stringent international certification that rewards the sustainable product development policy. To achieve Cradle to Cradle SilverTM certification, our DLW linoleum was assessed against five criteria:

  • toxicity of the materials used
  • reuse of materials in a biological or technical cycle
  • use of renewable energy
  • water management
  • company practices in terms of social responsibility

Other Gerflor products are in the process of being Cradle to Cradle certified.


Meeting ambitious indoor air quality standards

Limiting VOC emissions from our floor coverings is a priority for Gerflor and is verified through several certifications. As such, we have obtained:

  • The highest grade (A+, A, B, C), corresponding to total VOC emissions of < 1,000 μg/m3, measured 28 days after product installation, for our PVC and linoleum floor coverings, grade A+
  • The American Floorscore certification, the world's most widely recognized system for VOC emissions from products, for all our flooring, based on an on-site inspection (ISO9001 certification) and measurement of VOC emissions by an external laboratory
  • the  – a German protocol measuring VOC emissions after 3 and 28 days, which is more rigorous than AgBB – for our ranges (this certification excludes PVC products) Blue Angel certification DLW Linoleum
  • the M1 Finnish certification measuring the rates of VOC, formaldehyde, ammonia, carcinogens, and odors after 28 days for some of our products

Contributing to the environmental certification of buildings

In the context of ethical construction projects, in terms of environmental protection, our products contribute to the certification of buildings. Two labels prevail in the construction market:

  • certification – attesting that the building is capable of "controlling its impacts on the external environment and creating a comfortable and healthy indoor environment", with 7 out of 14 criteria concerning the quality of the floors completed with HQE – High Quality Environmental standard Gerflor products
  • the  – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – (link) developed by the US Green Building Council, which demonstrates the ecological quality of different types of buildings, with up to 3 points obtained, thanks to Gerflor flooring, in the materials, resources and indoor environmental quality section LEED international certification

Other stages in the life cycle of our products

Gerflor, zemin kaplama grubu

Gerflor, ticari mekanlar için esnek zeminler, duvar kaplamaları ve aksesuarları; kurulumdan bitiş işlemlerine kadar; yenilikçi, dekoratif, çevreye duyarlı ve tamamlayıcı çözümler yaratmakta, üretmekte ve pazarlamaktadır.

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