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Floor signage to ensure social distancing

To maintain social distancing in your buildings, we can provide permanent or temporary floor marking options.

Water jet cutting, digital printing, stickers, welding rods: our signage solutions will suit all your requirements.


Create permanent signage

We have two technologies to design an integrated flooring decor with social distancing markings:

  • Water jet cutting, the perfect solution for flooring that is custom-made from files sent to us and reworked in PAO by our teams, offering excellent precision for safe and hygienic floor coverings
  • Digital printing, the ideal technology to customize your floor or wall coverings with your messages and visuals, available in the Taraflex sport, Taralay Impression and SPM panel ranges
Find out more about customization by Gerflor

Install signage on existing flooring

If you want to create signage on existing floor coverings, we offer two marking options:

  • Welding rods, for drawing permanent lines or patterns on existing flooring, a durable, hygienic option that is available in over 500 colors
  • Stickers, the perfect choice for temporary marking on existing flooring with, in the Romus range, for example, non-slip strips in black and yellow carborundum or red arrows

Discover our other solutions and offers for perfect hygiene

Gerflor, zemin kaplama grubu

Gerflor, ticari mekanlar için esnek zeminler, duvar kaplamaları ve aksesuarları; kurulumdan bitiş işlemlerine kadar; yenilikçi, dekoratif, çevreye duyarlı ve tamamlayıcı çözümler yaratmakta, üretmekte ve pazarlamaktadır.

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