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Gerflor shower systems

Gerflor's Taradouche and Taradouche Hybrid systems ensure your safety thanks to non-slip floors. They have also been designed to ensure full waterproofing in the shower and seamless floor/wall coordination.

These systems comply with the accessibility standard ensuring access for everybody in all the different rooms in public-access buildings.

Taradouche system

The Taradouche system provides the perfect, hygienic and safe solution for showers in hospitals, residential facilities for dependent elderly people, homes, etc.

The matching floor and wall covering product range enables you to create welcoming and timeless environments.

Accessories make installation easy and provide a completely waterproof system.

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Hybrid shower system

This hybrid solution enables Gerflor PVC shower floors to be combined: Elegance SD, Tarasafe SD and Taralay Ultra Plus SD and ceramic wall tiling (not marketed by Gerflor)

This is the only range validated by the CSTB (ATex No. 2687.V2)


Gerflor, zemin kaplama grubu

Gerflor, ticari mekanlar için esnek zeminler, duvar kaplamaları ve aksesuarları; kurulumdan bitiş işlemlerine kadar; yenilikçi, dekoratif, çevreye duyarlı ve tamamlayıcı çözümler yaratmakta, üretmekte ve pazarlamaktadır.

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